Here are the BEFORE pictures of my windows.
I was going to use ribbon to accent the box like she did, but I didn't realize (or look at) how much ribbon is actually on a roll. I ended up with 9 feet of ribbon and needed approximately 28 feet. Needless to say, I was a little short!
But necessity is truly the mother of invention, I thought maybe I'd use a marker to outline the pattern I wanted but when I touched the marker to a test piece of fabric it bled all over the place. Till I figured out that black spray paint would work ( have I mentioned how much I love spray paint because I really do!) So I taped out the design I wanted.
Here are the AFTER pictures of my windows. Yes they are night pictures, because it was 1am when I finished!
I love how they turned out, I think they really add to my living room and finish off my windows perfectly!

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